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Confer aptitudes for work, the organization and management. Very hard-working, conscientious, responsible, serious, patient, persevering, given, the subject is worthy of confidence and can advance gradually in spite of the apparent limitations. Practical and rational, it can show a certain rigidity and sometimes even of narrow-mindedness. The field of the feelings and the emotions is not its fort, its reserve natural and its difficulty of expressing its feelings make him sometimes wrong. It can suffer that that seems indifference. Very attached to the details, it will have to take care not to lose sight of the fact essence. In love with nature, concerned with the family and the hearth, it is rather preserving and traditionalist.

Through possible:

Rigidity, tendency to routine, difficulty of adaptation, inhibitions, need to accumulate and to reassure themselves, lack of sociability, meanness.

Numerology confers a great independence to him. Its day of birth or the addition of its date of birth, make it independent and authoritative, that it is to better guide it as of childhood. It is the type-even of that which does not like to be directed. It wants to be its clean-owner. Very Cartesian, it is smelled well in the concrete one, the material. The remainder seems to him to be limiting… The irrational one is not really its cup of tea. Its practical direction in the daily newspaper is appreciated.

But its natural authority can make it difficult to live, especially while advancing in age.

It is the Emperor who builds .....
Not exclusively for itself, but also for the others. It wants to bring its experiment to the others.
Heu, the feeling of being able is important, especially if the ego, pride are powerful; then attention with the abuse of authority.

You are there to build; not to crush. : O)


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